
Friday, December 1, 2017

F r i d a y F a v o r i t e s

Happy Friday everyone! 

We have made it to the weekend! I hope you all have had a wonderful week and it hasn't been too stressful for you. I will be working tomorrow (retail probs) but I will be off on Sunday and am looking forward to a nice relaxing day off. Also, today is December 1st already! Where has the time gone?! It is definitely true that time flies especially the older you get. Before we know it, it's going to be 2018! Ahhh! I still feel like it's 2008, does anyone else feel like that? Let's make the most of this last month of 2017 and make some great memories. 

I wanted to do a Friday Favorites post today so please keep reading to find out what I'm loving this week...  

1. Favorite Inspirational Quote

Such a simple quote, but has so much meaning behind it. I can be my own worst critic and maybe not go for things out of fear of not succeeding. We have to create our own path and lean on the Lord for guidance. I really hope to start getting out of my own way so I can create a beautiful and fulfilling life. I love being creative and that's why I wanted to start this blog to share that with others. Thanks for coming on this journey with me!

2. Favorite Recipe I Tried

I made these biscuits last weekend and they turned out great! They were super easy to make and didn't call for a lot of ingredients. I also made homemade fried apples to go on top of them and turkey sausage links to go on the side which is the perfect brunch for the colder months. Savory and sweet... the best combo! Click on the link for the biscuit recipe!

3. Recipe I Want to Try 

I saved this recipe to my Pinterest (follow me here) ahead of Thanksgiving and did not end up making it. I do think it is a great holiday dip in general so I might have to make this for the Christmas Eve Party I'm going to because everyone is supposed to bring a different appetizer. I am totally an appetizer girl and love times that we just make a few different appetizers for dinner. Again, it has both that savory with a little sweetness from the cranberries so I think it would definitely be a crowd pleaser to! 

4. Best Beauty Find

I LOVE testing out new beauty products and especially natural ones! This is a new brand at WalMart, called FOUND, and it is reasonably priced so I wanted to try it out. It's not in my local WalMart so I ended up ordering a few things instead. My mom wanted to try a few things too so I ordered her the night cream, concealer, and mascara. For myself, I got these illuminating drops because I don't own anything like it and have seen other high end brands offer similar products. I am trying to use up products I currently have but since I don't have anything close to this, I thought why not? I got the sun-kissed version and so far I love it! It agrees with my sensitive skin which is a total plus! I wear it under my makeup and I also put a little bit on after I wash all my makeup off to get a healthy glow. It looks natural and I would totally recommend it!

5. Favorite Song 

"Greatest Love Story" - LANCO

I am totally in love with this song! It has been around for a little while and loved it the first second I heard it. It comes on my radio all the time and I'm still not tired of it. Definitely give it a listen because I'm sure it'll be your favorite too!


That's all my favorites this week y'all! Let me know if you like the recipes/ song/beauty find of the week! Please let me know what your favorites are too!
Have a lovely weekend!!!


 Somer DeLane